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Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Selection Process

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 8 November 2011 | 08:19

Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Selection Process

Selection will be on the basis of Written Test and/or Group Discussions, Interview depending on the number of applications received for each post. Merely satisfying the eligibility norm does not entitle a candidate to be called for Written Test / GD / Personality Test / Interview. The Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates for the GD / Interview after preliminary screening / short-listing with reference to candidates qualifications, suitability, experience, etc.
Written Test may be held online/ offline and will comprise Objective Test on Reasoning, General Awareness, English and areas of specialization. The minimum qualifying marks in the written test will be decided by the Bank further detailed are as under:-
Name of testNo. of QuestionsTimeMarks
Reasoning25Total 125
Total Marks
General Awareness25
Area of Specialisation50
The candidates have an option to answer the Written Test in either English or Hindi (only in one language). Management reserves discretion of dispensing the written test & call the eligible candidates for personal interview if number of applications are relatively less.
Wherever the Bank decides to hold the written test, the short listed candidates in the order of ranking in the written test (above minimum qualifying marks) as per the cut-off marks determined by the Bank shall be called for GD/Personality test / Interview and the decision of the Bank in this regard is final


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