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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Acharya Nagarjuna University ANU Distance Education BA/B.Com./B.Sc./BBM/BHM/B.Tech,PG Exams Hall Tickets

ANU Distance Education BA/B.Com./B.Sc./BBM/BHM/B.Tech,PG Exams Hall Tickets 2013....

Acharya Nagarjuna University  Distance Education Going to Conducted examination for the BA/B.Com./B.Sc./BBM/BHM/B.Tech,PG Exams for the year of 2012-2013 academic year. Applying canddiates can download their Hall Tickets with the following Link....

About ANU:

Established in 1976 with the main campus located between Guntur and Vijayawada on Chennai - Kolkata National Highway (N.H.5).
Funded by the U.G.C., recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (A.I.U) and the Associations of the Common Wealth University (A.C.U) and accredited by NAAC in 2003 at B++ (80 - 85 points).
An affiliating University with over 450 U.G., P.G. and Professional Colleges.
Offers quality education at an affordable cost through a wide network of Study Centres.
Pioneer in starting PG Science Courses under the distance mode.
Pioneer in starting B.Sc. (M.P.C.), (B.Z.C.), (M.S.Cs.), (M.P.Ele.), (M.Ele.Cs.) and B.B.M. with comming core syllabus, through distance mode.
Offers LL.M. Course (4 specializations) with 2 years duration.
Enrolment either through the Centre for Distance Education or through the Study Centre of Student's choice.
Admissions are made twice a year i.e., Academic Year Batch (July to June), Calender Year Batch (January to December)
Examinations are held twice a year in May and December
Supplementary examination and betterment facility to the CDE students.
Weekend Classes / Practicals through Study Centres.
Wide network of Examination Centres for the convenience of the students.

ANU Distance Education BA/B.Com./B.Sc./BBM/BHM/B.Tech,PG Exams Hall Tickets 2013 Click Here

Further Details:

Tags: ANU Hall Tickets 2013/ ANU CDE Hall Tickets 2013

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