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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

APPSC Group II General Recruitment Results 2013/APPSC Group II Non-Executive posts Results

APPSC Group II General Recruitment Results 2013....

APPSC Issued  NOTIFICATION NO. 39/2011.for the General Recruitment. APPSC Declared results for these examinations.


1. It is hereby notified that the list of candidates with the following Register Numbers have been provisionally picked up for verification of certificates for Non-Executive posts. 
2. The candidates who are picked up for verification of certificates for Non-Executive posts are required to produce the Original Certificates along with one set of Photostat copies relating to Age, Qualifications, Community (Integrated), Latest Creamy Layer exemption certificate in case of B.Cs as per G.O.Ms.No.3 BC(W) (C2) Dept., dt.04/04/2006 (prescribed format hosted on website), Certificate relating to claim of age relaxation, Study certificate (from 4th class to 10th class). If the candidate fails to produce the documents, at the time of verification, his / her candidature will not be considered for selection of NonExecutive posts. No requisition will be entertained for subsequent submission of any of the above 
3. The verification of the certificates will be held from 16/05/2013 to 18/05/2013 at 9.00 AM in the Commission’s Office. The candidates should download the call letter, Vacancy Position, Check lists, Attestation Forms and other Relevant forms from the Commission’s website from Dt:07/05/2013 and should
submit at the time of verification of certificates.
4. On further verification if it is found that any candidate is not responded or not eligible with reference to the particulars furnished by him/her in the Application Form / Certificates, the results of such candidate / candidates shall be cancelled at any stage in the process of selection.

APPSC Group II General Recruitment Results 2013 Click Here

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Tags:APPSC Group II General Recruitment Results 2013/APPSC Group II Non-Executive posts Results 2013/APPSC Group II Results 2013

1 comment:

  1. In this recruitment i have not cleared. Can you post any other recruitment of APPSC?
