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DRDO Entry Test 2013/DRDO Recruitment 2013/DRDO CEPTAM

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 4 May 2013 | 19:13

DRDO Entry Test 2013/DRDO Recruitment 2013/DRDO CEPTAM

DRDO offers exciting and challenging career opportunities in very broad spectrum of subjects/ disciplines at its more than 50 laboratories/ establishments spread
throughout the length and breadth of the country. Applications are invited for direct recruitment through DRDO Entry Test – 2013 for the following Posts. This Advertisement
consists of three sections: SECTION ‘A’, SECTION ‘B’ and SECTION ‘C’. SECTION ‘A’ comprises of Part 1 and Part 2. Please read the complete advertisement carefully before
filling up the application form. Applying ONLINE is mandatory for the post of STA-‘B’ given in Part 1 and optional for all other posts mentioned in Part 2. As a first step, candidates
willing to apply for any post MUST register themselves with SMS (mobile) as described in the procedure. Detailed guideline and FAQs are available on our website


Pay Band:PB-2, Rs 9300-34800 (Grade Pay Rs 4200/-)

Age as on Closing Date must be between : 18 and 28 Years (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PWD etc. as per Government rules.)

Pay Band:PB-2, Rs 9300-34800 (Grade Pay Rs 4200/-)


TECHNICIAN -'A' (TECH -'A'): 223 Posts.

Pay Band:PB-1, Rs 5200-20200(Grade Pay Rs 1900/-)

Age as on Closing Date must be between : 18 and 28 Years (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PWD etc. as per Government rules.)

(b) ADMIN & ALLIED: 261 Posts.

FEES & MODE OF PAYMENT: Non-Refundable Fees of Rs. 50 (Rupees Fifty only) is to be paid online foronline applications through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net banking. For offline applications, the fees is to be paidthrough INDIAN POSTAL ORDER (IPO) only issued in favour of “The Director, CEPTAM, Delhi”, payableat Delhi. The Cheque/Draft/Money order will NOT be accepted in any condition. Candidates belonging toSC/ST/ESM/PWD categories and women candidates are exempted from payment of fee.

How to Apply: 

All interested candidates who wish to apply for any post mentioned in this
advertisement, are compulsorily required to register themselves on mobile no 56677 of CEPTAM by
sending a SMS in this format CEPTAM <space> First choice of Exam City Code <space> Post Code<space> Date of Birth as ddmmyy <space> Name (Leaving a space between first, middle and lastname) example, CEPTAM 15 0112 231283 Rupesh Kumar Goyal. After delivery of your SMS, you willreceive an auto-generated response message with “Registration No” based on exam city code, postcode and sequence no (based on post code). Mention this Registration No. in your application form.Complete this exercise correctly as you, yourself will be responsible for any wrong particulars which may lead to rejection. If you are applying for more than one post, get registration number for each post code separately.
FOR POSTS MENTIONED IN PART 1: Candidates applying for the posts of STA ‘B’ mentioned in Part 1 of Section ‘A’ are necessarily required to apply “ONLINE” and applications received in any other mode shall be Rejected. Online application printout is however to be sent to Director, CEPTAM alongwith required enclosures so that it is received on or before closing date (Register through SMS before applying).FOR POSTS MENTIONED IN PART 2: Candidates applying for the posts mentioned in Part 2 of Section ‘A’may have the option either to apply “ONLINE” or on a prescribed application form given in Section ‘C’ of the advertisement on A4 size (210X297mm) plain white paper, and exactly in the same format as provided in advertisement. The proforma may be downloaded from our website. Photocopy of the format published in the Employment News can also be used. All columns of the application form should be filled legibly in own handwriting (Register through SMS before applying).Online facility will be available upto 1400 hrs on CLOSING DATE. To be considered online, applicants MUSTcomplete the instructions in all respects and should apply only once for one post. The candidate must attachself attested copies of EQR and Driving License (for the post of Civilian Driver ‘A’). The details of valid photoidentity proof (viz. PAN, Aadhaar, Voter Id, Passport, Official Id, College/Institute Id etc.) which you wish tocarry during Examination & Interview must be furnished in application form. Use only recent colouredphotograph not more than 30 days old (keep 7 copies of the same photograph with you for future use infurther selection process). The candidate must attach self addressed stamped post card at the end of allenclosures to acknowledge the receipt of application. The post card should have the name of the candidate,post code, subject and post name applied for. You are advised to retain a photocopy of your completeapplication along with enclosures for future reference

Date of Examination: 25.08.2013.


Anonymous said...

there is a pribleme while filling online form for STA-B. it asks please select are you pursuing BE, BTECH, MSC etc. after submit and there is no such field provided for selecting.
without that the form is not getting submitted. so please about that.

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