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Friday, 10 May 2013

JN Architecture and Fine Arts Univ UG, PG Arts & Visual Communication Exam Results

jawaharlal nehru architecture and fine arts university Hyd Conducted examination for the  UG, PG Arts & Visual Communication students for the 2012-2013 academic students.  

University Declared results for these examinations Results. Appearing candidates can check their results with the following link....

Name of the Examination
Master of Fine Arts-Applied Arts & Visual Communication (IV semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Photography & Visual Communication (R11) (I semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Applied Arts & Visual Communication (R09) (I semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Applied Arts & Visual Communication (R11) (I semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Sculpture & Visual Communication (R11) (I semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Paint & Visual Communication (R11) (I semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Animation (R09) (I semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Animation (R11) (I semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Animation (R11) (I semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Game Design (III semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Fine Arts-Game Art & Animation (III semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Technology-Computer Science & Gaming Development (V semester)-Reg
Master of Architecture-Environmental Design (R09) (III semester)-Sup
Master of Architecture-Environmental Design (R10) (III semester)-Sup
Master of Architecture-Environmental Design (R10) (II semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (OR) (VIII semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (OR) (VII semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (NR) (VII semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (OR) (VI semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (NR) (VI semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (NR) (V semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (NR) (V semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (NR) (IV semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (OR) (IV semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (OR) (III semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (NR) (III semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (R11) (III semester)-Reg
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (NR) (II semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (R11) (II semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (NR) (I semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (R11) (I semester)-Sup
Bachelor of Design-Interior Design (R11) (I semester)-Reg

Further Details:

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