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Monday, 20 May 2013

National Insurance Company NICL Assistant Recruitment 2013/ National Insurance Company Recruitment 2600

National Insurance Company Ltd (NICL),headqartered in Kolkata, is one of the leading public sector insurance companies of India carrying out non life insurance  issued notification for the Assistants in NIC. Educational Qualification and other Details Read below..........

Name of the Posts: Assistants 

1. National Insurance Co. Ltd  : 800 Posts.

2. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.  600 Posts

3. The New India Assurance  Co. Ltd. 600 Posts

4. United India Insurance Co. Ltd.  600 Posts

Educational Qualifications: 

Graduate from a recognized University


Pass in HSC/Equivalent (XII pass) examination with 60% marks (50% for Ex-servicemen, SC/ST and Persons with Disabilities);  and Knowledge of Regional Language i.e. Language of the State of Recruitment is essential. 

Age: Minimum Age: 18 years; Maximum Age: 28 years (as on 30.06.2013). Candidates born not earlier than 1st July 1985 and not later than 30th June 1995 (both days inclusive) are only eligible to apply. Age Relaxation Applicable as Per Govt Rules.

Application fees  :

SC/ST/PWD/XS Fee  Rs. 
50/-  Bank Charges 
Rs.20/- Total Rs.70/- 

For male candidates other than SC/ST/PWD/XS Fee   Rs.200/- Bank Charges Rs.20/- Total  Rs.220/-.

For female candidates other than SC/ST/PWD/XS Fee   Rs.100/- Bank Charges Rs.20/- Total  Rs.120/- .

How to Apply:

Guidelines for filling online application: Candidates should have valid email ID. This will help him/her in getting 
call letter/Interview advices etc. by e-mail.  
i) Candidates should first scan their photograph and signature as detailed under guidelines for scanning the photograph and signature.(Refer point no. 14) 
ii) Candidates to visit our website “” and open  the appropriate Online Application Format given under “Recruitment” Link. 
iii) Candidates must go through Advertisement very carefully and satisfy themselves that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Advertisement. Thereafter, they should proceed for applying. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. 
iv) Candidates should upload their photograph and signature while filling the application. After the application is filled complete, candidate should submit the application form.  
v) The system would generate a bank challan in triplicate wherein relevant particulars of the Candidate are mentioned and should take a printout of the challan immediately. 
vi) With the printout of the challan, the Candidate should visit the nearest branch of State Bank of India to deposit the appropriate fees in cash only in Account no.32968716721 in favour of ‘NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD’. Fee payment will be accepted from 18th May 2013 to 12th June 2013.  
vii) After 3 days from date of receipt of fees, the candidate can check their application status in the website and take a printout of 
the complete application and fees payment challan which should be retained by them for future reference.  
viii) At the time of written examination, they should submit one copy of the challan. 
The candidates are not required to send the application form to the Company.

Important Dates:

On line Registration commences from 18
th May 2013

Last Date for Registration of Online 

June 2013

Payment of Application fees  18
th May 2013 to 12
June 2013 (both 
date inclusive) 

Dates of Written Examination 14
July 2013 and/or 21
July 2013

Download of the call letter for examination Within 7 days prior to the date of

National Insurance Company Assistant Recruitment 2013 Notification: Click Here

Further Details:

Tags: National Insurance Company Assistant Recruitment 2013/National Insurance Co.
Ltd Assistant Recruitment 2013/Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd Assistant Recruitment 2013/
The New India Assurance  Co. Ltd Assistant Recruitment 2013/United India Insurance 
Co. Ltd Assistant Recruitment 2013/NICL Assistant Recruitment 2013

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