Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification applications 2013Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification ...... ...
Alagappa University Karaikudai invited application from the eligible candidates for the Phd Admission Test for the year 2013-14 academic year.Eligible candidates desirous of pursuing Ph.D. Program (both FT/PT) in the University Departments, Constituent Colleges, Affiliated Colleges and other Approved Research Centres of Alagappa University are instructed to apply in the prescribed format for the Pre - Registration Qualifying Entrance Examination (Written test and Interview). Faculty - wise disciplines offered by the University are detailed below....
Arts: 1.Tamil, 2.English, 3.Women’s Studies, 4.Rural Deve lop ment, 5.History, 6.Economics , 7.Political Science and 8.Fine Arts..
Science: 1.Mathematics, 2. Computer Science , 3 . Physics, 4. Chemistry, 5. Biotechnology , 6. Molecular Biology, 7.Microb iology, 8.Nanos cience & Technology, 9 .Bioinformatics, 1 0 .Bioelectronics & Biosensors, 11. Marine Biology , 12.Animal Health & Management, 13.Zoology, 14.Botany, 15.Library & Inform at ion Science, 16.Home Science , 17.Geology and 18.Energy Science.
Management: 1. Management , 2.Commerce, 3.Corporate Se cretaryship, 4.Bank Management and 5.International Business.
Education: 1. Education and2.Physical Education.
Educational Qualifications:
1.Candidates who have passed through 10+2+3+2/11+1+3+2/10+3+2+2 patt ern alone can apply
2. P.G. Degree with 55% of marks, 50% marks for SC/ST & 50% for P.G. qualified before 1 st January 1991.
3. M.Ed. qualification is essential for Ph.D. in Education .
Important Dates:
Last date of Application Receipts: 31.07.2013.
Written Test: 25.08.2013
Interview in the Concerned Department: 25.08.2013
For further details refer University website or contact the Research Section (Con tact No.04565 - 223155 / 228085 ). Late application s will not be entertained . University reserves the right to change any thing mentioned above.
Tags : Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification applications 2013Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification 2013./Tamil Nadu University Phd Admissions 2013/Latest Phd Admissions 2013/Latest Phd Notifications 2013
Alagappa University Karaikudai invited application from the eligible candidates for the Phd Admission Test for the year 2013-14 academic year.Eligible candidates desirous of pursuing Ph.D. Program (both FT/PT) in the University Departments, Constituent Colleges, Affiliated Colleges and other Approved Research Centres of Alagappa University are instructed to apply in the prescribed format for the Pre - Registration Qualifying Entrance Examination (Written test and Interview). Faculty - wise disciplines offered by the University are detailed below....
Arts: 1.Tamil, 2.English, 3.Women’s Studies, 4.Rural Deve lop ment, 5.History, 6.Economics , 7.Political Science and 8.Fine Arts..
Science: 1.Mathematics, 2. Computer Science , 3 . Physics, 4. Chemistry, 5. Biotechnology , 6. Molecular Biology, 7.Microb iology, 8.Nanos cience & Technology, 9 .Bioinformatics, 1 0 .Bioelectronics & Biosensors, 11. Marine Biology , 12.Animal Health & Management, 13.Zoology, 14.Botany, 15.Library & Inform at ion Science, 16.Home Science , 17.Geology and 18.Energy Science.
Management: 1. Management , 2.Commerce, 3.Corporate Se cretaryship, 4.Bank Management and 5.International Business.
Education: 1. Education and2.Physical Education.
Educational Qualifications:
1.Candidates who have passed through 10+2+3+2/11+1+3+2/10+3+2+2 patt ern alone can apply
2. P.G. Degree with 55% of marks, 50% marks for SC/ST & 50% for P.G. qualified before 1 st January 1991.
3. M.Ed. qualification is essential for Ph.D. in Education .
Important Dates:
Last date of Application Receipts: 31.07.2013.
Written Test: 25.08.2013
Interview in the Concerned Department: 25.08.2013
For further details refer University website or contact the Research Section (Con tact No.04565 - 223155 / 228085 ). Late application s will not be entertained . University reserves the right to change any thing mentioned above.
Tags : Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification applications 2013Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification 2013./Tamil Nadu University Phd Admissions 2013/Latest Phd Admissions 2013/Latest Phd Notifications 2013
Tnakns for provide Alagappa University UG/PG November/DecemberTime table 2013