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Saturday, 6 July 2013

Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification applications 2013Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification‎

 Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification applications 2013Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification ...... ...‎

Alagappa University Karaikudai invited application from the eligible candidates for the Phd Admission Test for the year 2013-14 academic year.Eligible candidates desirous of pursuing Ph.D. Program (both FT/PT) in the University Departments, Constituent Colleges, Affiliated Colleges and other Approved Research Centres of Alagappa University are instructed to apply in the prescribed format for the Pre - Registration Qualifying Entrance Examination (Written test and Interview). Faculty - wise disciplines offered by the University are detailed below....

Arts: 1.Tamil, 2.English, 3.Women’s Studies, 4.Rural Deve lop ment, 5.History, 6.Economics , 7.Political Science and 8.Fine Arts..

Science: 1.Mathematics, 2. Computer Science , 3 . Physics, 4. Chemistry, 5. Biotechnology , 6. Molecular Biology, 7.Microb iology, 8.Nanos cience & Technology, 9 .Bioinformatics, 1 0 .Bioelectronics & Biosensors, 11. Marine Biology , 12.Animal Health & Management, 13.Zoology, 14.Botany, 15.Library & Inform at ion Science, 16.Home Science , 17.Geology and 18.Energy Science.

Management: 1. Management , 2.Commerce, 3.Corporate Se cretaryship, 4.Bank Management and 5.International Business.

Education: 1. Education and2.Physical Education.

 Educational Qualifications: 

1.Candidates who have passed through 10+2+3+2/11+1+3+2/10+3+2+2 patt ern alone can apply 
2. P.G. Degree with 55% of marks, 50% marks for SC/ST & 50% for P.G. qualified before 1 st January 1991. 
3. M.Ed. qualification is essential for Ph.D. in Education .

Important Dates:

Last date of Application Receipts: 31.07.2013.
Written Test: 25.08.2013
Interview in the Concerned Department: 25.08.2013


For further details refer University website or contact the Research Section (Con tact No.04565 - 223155 / 228085 ). Late application s will not be entertained . University reserves the right to change any thing mentioned above.‎

Tags : Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification applications 2013Alagappa University PhD Entrance Exam Notification 2013./Tamil Nadu University Phd Admissions 2013/Latest Phd Admissions 2013/Latest Phd Notifications 2013

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