ICAR ARS Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2013
ICAR Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board has issued notification for the ARS Posts. Eligible candidates apply on or before last date for these notification. Educational Qualification age limit Pay scale and other details read below...Get Here
ICAR Seleted on the Basis Written Examinations and interviews
ARS Exam Pattern and Exam details:
Two separate competitive written examinations followed by Viva-voce shall be conducted as per the following plan of examinations:-
Max. Marks Duration
1.(a) Preliminary-ARS (Objective Type) 150 Marks 2(Two) hours
(b) ARS – Main (Descriptive Type) 240 Marks 3(Three) hours
(c)Viva-voce 60
2. (a) Preliminary ARS Examination Paper:-
Preliminary ARS Examination shall have one paper of 150 marks with all multiple type objective questions to be solved in 02 hours (Two hours), from the respective professional subject(s) for which candidate has opted.
1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer in Preliminary ARS Examination (Objective Type). The examination will be held in 33 centres as given in Annexure-I. This is a qualifying examination and marks scored will not be counted for final selection.
The candidates who attain such minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination as may be fixed by the Board in its discretion will be allowed to appear in the Main Examination.
(b). ARS – Main Examination Paper:-
ARS – Main Examination Paper will have only one paper of 240 marks to be completed in
3 hours duration. The paper shall be divided in three parts A, B and C. Part ‘A’ will consists of 40 (forty) questions of 2 (two) marks each. In this part, answers required will be of very short, not exceeding 10 (Ten) words at the most. Part ‘B’ will have 20 (twenty) questions of 5 (five) marks each requiring one or two paragraphs and/or graphic explanation. Part ‘C’ will have 6 (six) essay type or descriptive type questions. Each question will carry 10 (ten) marks and may have two or more parts. Answers are required to be written in the space provided below the question. In no case extra sheets will be provided. All questions in parts ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ will be compulsory.
Candidates follow the following details for the exam syllabus for these examinations.
Tags: ICAR ARS Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2013 / ICAR ARS Exam Pattern 2013/ICAR Exam Syllabus 2013
ICAR Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board has issued notification for the ARS Posts. Eligible candidates apply on or before last date for these notification. Educational Qualification age limit Pay scale and other details read below...Get Here
ICAR Seleted on the Basis Written Examinations and interviews
ARS Exam Pattern and Exam details:
Two separate competitive written examinations followed by Viva-voce shall be conducted as per the following plan of examinations:-
Max. Marks Duration
1.(a) Preliminary-ARS (Objective Type) 150 Marks 2(Two) hours
(b) ARS – Main (Descriptive Type) 240 Marks 3(Three) hours
(c)Viva-voce 60
2. (a) Preliminary ARS Examination Paper:-
Preliminary ARS Examination shall have one paper of 150 marks with all multiple type objective questions to be solved in 02 hours (Two hours), from the respective professional subject(s) for which candidate has opted.
1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer in Preliminary ARS Examination (Objective Type). The examination will be held in 33 centres as given in Annexure-I. This is a qualifying examination and marks scored will not be counted for final selection.
The candidates who attain such minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination as may be fixed by the Board in its discretion will be allowed to appear in the Main Examination.
(b). ARS – Main Examination Paper:-
ARS – Main Examination Paper will have only one paper of 240 marks to be completed in
3 hours duration. The paper shall be divided in three parts A, B and C. Part ‘A’ will consists of 40 (forty) questions of 2 (two) marks each. In this part, answers required will be of very short, not exceeding 10 (Ten) words at the most. Part ‘B’ will have 20 (twenty) questions of 5 (five) marks each requiring one or two paragraphs and/or graphic explanation. Part ‘C’ will have 6 (six) essay type or descriptive type questions. Each question will carry 10 (ten) marks and may have two or more parts. Answers are required to be written in the space provided below the question. In no case extra sheets will be provided. All questions in parts ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ will be compulsory.
Candidates follow the following details for the exam syllabus for these examinations.
Tags: ICAR ARS Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2013 / ICAR ARS Exam Pattern 2013/ICAR Exam Syllabus 2013
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