Cabinet Secretariat LDC Assistant Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2014..
Govt of India: Cabinet Secretariat Lower Division Clerk and Assistant Examinations Notification 2014 announced recently. Number of students are going to attended for these examinations. the following are the Exam Syllabus and Examination Pattern for these examinations:

Lower Division Clerks Exam Syllabus and Marks:
General intelligence and clerical aptitude: 50 Marks
English Language: 50 Marks
Numerical aptitude: 50 Marks
General Awareness: 50 Marks
Type Writing Test on 35 W.P.M on Computer.
Paper I:
Section I: English 100 Marks
Section II: Arithmetic Aptitude: 100 Marks.
Paper II:
General Knowledge: 100 Marks
General Intelligence: 100 Marks .
Students must have knowledge for these Subjects to attend LDC and Assistant Examinations 2014
Cabinet Secretariat LDC Assistant Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2014
Govt of India: Cabinet Secretariat Lower Division Clerk and Assistant Examinations Notification 2014 announced recently. Number of students are going to attended for these examinations. the following are the Exam Syllabus and Examination Pattern for these examinations:

Lower Division Clerks Exam Syllabus and Marks:
General intelligence and clerical aptitude: 50 Marks
English Language: 50 Marks
Numerical aptitude: 50 Marks
General Awareness: 50 Marks
Type Writing Test on 35 W.P.M on Computer.
Paper I:
Section I: English 100 Marks
Section II: Arithmetic Aptitude: 100 Marks.
Paper II:
General Knowledge: 100 Marks
General Intelligence: 100 Marks .
Students must have knowledge for these Subjects to attend LDC and Assistant Examinations 2014
Cabinet Secretariat LDC Assistant Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2014
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