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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

General Knowledge Quiz for SSC CGL,Banking Exam

General Knowledge Quiz for SSC CGL,Banking Exam

1 First  Nobal  Price Winner On Literature in India ?


A) Rabindranath Tagore

B) Dr.Amatya Sen

C) C V Raman

D) Mother Teressa.


2. Atom Theory Invented by


A) Sheel

B) C V Raman

C) Jhon Dalton

D) Volta


3. The cover of air around the earth is called


A) Whether

B) Atmosphere

C) Ozone

D) Oxygen


4 Water boils at ?


A) 50 Degree C

B) 10 dgeree C

C) 200 Degree C

D) 80 degree C.


5  An animal without a special organ for hearing is ?


A) Snake

B) Cat

C) Man

D) Birds


6.World Tallest Animal ?


A) Deep

B) Giraffe

C) Man

D) Eliphant


7. Highest Country in world ?


A) India


C) Chaina

D) Tibet (The Pamirs)


8. Telescope introduced in which year ?

A) 1609

B) 1789

C) 1656

D) 1990


9. LSD stands for ?

A) Lysergic acid Di-ethylamide

B) Lower sense Dictator

C) Largest sector Divion

D) None of these


10.Which City Is called Land of Cakes ?


B) Singapore

C) Scotland

D) None of these




General Knowledge Quiz for SSC CGL,Banking Exam

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