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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

IBPS Clerks III Interview Results out

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection IBPS announced final results for the IBPS Clerks III Examinations 2013-2014. Appearing candidates can check IBPS Clerks III Provisional Allotment and State Wise Posts details with the following Details further details are read below....
IBPS Clerks III final Results 2014 IBPS Clerks Interview Results and Allotment 2013-2014
Provisional allotment under CWE Clerks-III has been done based on the State/UT wise and categorywise vacancies for 2014- 15 for Clerical cadre as furnished by the Participating Organisations (details vide Annexure A). Candidates can view their  result status after interview on IBPS website by entering their Registration Number or Roll Number and  Password.
further details are read below...
IBPS clerks III final Results Get Here
IBPS Clerks Allotment State wise Posts Get Here
Tags: IBPS Clerks III final Results 2014/IBPS Clerks State Wise Posts 2014


  1. I am unable to watch my result as the page wont open , is anyone else is having this problem.

  2. I got 52/100 in tamilnadu OBC catogory any chance in second list???

  3. pls check my result my reg no. 1250000427 and dob 13-09-1988

  4. I got 53.2 in tamil nadu and am in reserve list is there any chance for job

  5. I got 53.2 in tamil nadu and am in reserve list is there any chance for job

  6. i got 51/100 frm c.g. second allotment kab ayega

  7. pls check my result my reg no. 1250172793 and dob 01--06-1986 plz email. i am deaf.

  8. pls check my result my reg no. 1250172793 and dob 01--06-1986 plz email. i am deaf.

  9. pls check my result my reg no. 1250172793 and dob 01-06-1986. am deaf. how i mak list ..

  10. pls check my result my reg no. 1250172793 and dob 06-06-1986
